me and ollie are just friends now, we wernt ever together but we have both moved on from our little crushes and i think it will make our friendship stronger to be honest :) still realy close with muke (his best freind) though.
I will take alot of photos of my trip and post up, hopfully i will get to try out one of their vegan resturants whilst i am there, im only going untill thursday evenining but its my first proper trip on holiday with a friend :)
New amy's meal to try!
i loved the fact it was gluten free and vegan, i bought it after my tattoo with my friend deena and mike :)
I loved this :) ive eaten it twice since i bought this, secound time it hurt my tummy... i hate how my ibs chooses days and random things to upset it grrr
was realy nice finding it though, beening gluten free aswell.
plated up:
talking about tattoo monkey....
heres a quick picture i took of the inside of the shop :) amazing wall huh?
il take a healed picture soon
couple hours later and like no pain (i have a good pain level) i got this babyyy
its a magpie on a key :)
i wanted this pic
looks sooooooo much better and more detailed when its NOT COVERED in cream and icky stuff, il show u next time :)
planning my next one, guna be pretty big looooooovee tattoos and i love ricky hes amazing!
i also had my first tatoo redone there the other day, il post before and after pictures up when its healed :)
...adn seeing as my freezer is pretty titchy i needed to start eating up all these things i had frozen!
then there was that lentil curry from last week !x!
meh..looks kinda gross, typical frozen meal, loooked ok untill i froze it..
once cooked (microwave style hehe) looked burnt out, bland
plated and tasted:
YUMM it was realy nice, lots of flavor and textures, the rice went realy well and it was healthy too.
to buy or not to buy?
defenently a repeate buy *thumbs up*
mmmm rasberry porridge ^_^
other things i made was a mushroom pate and vegetable pizza and strawberry scone cupcakes
, it was a mini pizza but i cut it in half so that i could enjoy it with other things :)
as a trainee tattooist, i will be exspected to tattoo onto dead animals for practice, i find this a little disterbing thinking of inking onto a dead pig for 3-4 hours continiously.
whats your views on practicig on dead animals?
i know that the "skin is simmilar" and without it my tattoos on people would be terrible but still...
14 hours ago
great eats! al look so delicious! and the amy's meals look so good, when i photo them it never comes out to look so good :)
love the tattoo!!! :) such a beautiful image, for a beautiful girl.
love your tattoo if i got a tattoo i would prob get a little birdie or something as well, so pretty..
and that amy's meal, as maya said i never have seen such a good looking picture of a frozen meal, looks homemade :)
that is such a beautie of a bird very cute
i never usually comment on peoples tattoos, but that is one of the prettiest tattoos i've ever seen. seriously!
regarding the pig skin thing - i was talking to some people about this on a vegan facebook group once. they were all sharing pictures of their tattoos, and i asked if they had issues with the fact that their tattooists probably practiced on dead pigs - seems strange to spend all your time avoiding animal products, things which have been tested on animals etc, then to fund a practice which has involved dead animals. one of them said,
"i personally know at least 8 people that tattoo and none of them have ever practiced on pig skin! I have seen that on one of those cheesy l.a ink programs or something though. i reckon most people just practice drawing loads before they even start n then use fruit for practicing. Some people just start by tattooing something simple on themselves. Then again, my opinion is probably a bit biased because it only refers to people i know lol..."
so although it's common practice, i don't think it's something they HAVE to do, so you wouldn't have to do it. a lot of people are often on the lookout for cruelty-free tattoo artists who use vegan inks etc, so maybe that's what you'll be! obviously it's a personal choice but personally i would never ever practice on a dead animal.
pheww that was long! anyway your food looks AMAZING as usual! seriously! i want it ALL. have a great holiday! xx
I love that tattoo! its amazing! I love the idea
your pictures are amazing
love love love them!
love your blog!
i think if i have to eat a frozen meal, amys always looks and tastes the best!! good choice ;) ive never had those enchiladas though..
your gorgeous!! i definitely love it!! :)
Hmm, that is an interesting ethical question aboout tatooing on dead animals. I actually never knew that tattoo artists learned that way. I guess if they didn't kill the animal for the purpose of just learning to tattoo it's okay...
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